4 Reasons to Remodel Your Kitchen

We can all agree that the kitchen is the heart of your home. Memorable nights, holidays, fun laughs, and family dinners take place there. We tend to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, which makes it the room most subject to spills, cracked plates, and heavy foot traffic. Because your kitchen receives this much attention, it means that it’s the area of your home that will deteriorate and appear outdated the fastest. 

For this reason, a wide, highly-functional, and modern kitchen is what most homeowners are now aiming to have. Whether you are planning to sell in the near future or just need to update your interior, an updated kitchen will serve you for many years to come. No matter how big or small your remodeling goals are, continue reading to find out the top 5 reasons why you should begin remodeling your kitchen today.


1. Deterioration

Deterioration is probably the top driving force that leads homeowners to renovate their kitchen. Are you noticing cooking stains that just won’t disappear no matter how hard you scrub? Is your paint peeling? Is your refrigerator or stove considered vintage? If it has been over 20 or 30 years since your last remodel, it might just be time to consider an update.  


2. Save on Energy bills

Newer appliances typically require less energy and function better, which can tremendously cut down on your utility bills. According to the Department of Energy, the kitchen accounts for nearly a third of your energy bill. This adds up significantly! Some updates are easy enough to do yourself, like replacing light bulbs. Through the use of new lighting technologies, you can expect a 50% to 75% reduction in lighting energy. More than that, you can even consider adding a skylight in your kitchen to reduce the need for electrical lighting all together! Other updates like a refrigerator, improving insulation, and a new water heater can potentially save you hundreds each year. This is a win-win situation, energy-efficient products save you money over time and help the environment!


3. Enhance Appearance 

Remodeled kitchens are much more user-friendly, energy-efficient, and decorative. There are so many enhancements that can be done to your kitchen, from the smallest to the biggest.  Replacing or updating draws can add great depth and increase storage options. Also, fresh cabinets add style and functionality. Nowadays, new appliances have smart settings that allow you to control cooking and refrigerator settings from your phone. An attractive addition to your kitchen can be adding lights under cabinets or hanging bulbs above kitchen islands. This can create a new ambiance and brighten up previously dark spaces. 


4. Increase Health and Well-being

Beyond increased functionality, efficiency, and boosting your home’s value, a remodeled kitchen can actually improve the health and well-being of your household. According to a recent survey by Houzz, surprisingly enough homeowners with recently renovated kitchens tend to live healthier lifestyles and eat more meals at home. Having a pleasant and functional kitchen will improve your mood immediately and motivate you to cook healthier food more. Not to mention that an upgraded kitchen provides a cleaner environment for cooking and eating.  A great kitchen space is fundamental to a healthy living space, and having a home you love promotes happiness and personal satisfaction. Beyond a better cooking experience, other improvements help, like fresh paint improves air quality, allowing you to breathe much cleaner air. 



We hope that after reading this article you make an educated-decision regarding your kitchen remodeling. If after reading this article you feel that it is indeed time to upgrade your kitchen then call one of our bathroom professionals at Build Force and we will be more than happy to assist you with your renovating needs. At Build Force, we offer construction and remodeling services for  homeowners throughout miami.