5 Simple Ways To Add Personality To Your Apartment

Whether you are a student, a newly-wedded couple, or a single-and-ready to mingle type of person who’s currently living in a rental apartment, then this article is for you! Actually this article is for any person who is living in a bland apartment and is looking to give it some interest. 

Often, home with even perfect designs, fixtures, and finishings may feel a bit dull. In this article, we break down the top ways to spice up your apartment and help give it a bit more personality. 


Add Wallpaper

This is an easy one. Bare white walls are every tenant’s nightmare yet are a standard look in almost every rental apartment. But since not every rental apartment is allowed to be painted, wallpapers serve as a great alternative. Wallpaper is an effective, quick and temporary solution to this problem, allowing you to add some style and detail to your home without having to repaint.

The world of wallpapers is endless. They come in many different colors, prints, and designs, giving you a wide range of options and themes to choose from. What is even more fun, is that you get to change as much as you'd like or need to, depending on the current style of your home. This is a very convenient and flexible option. 


Rugs, Curtains, and Drapes

The quickest way to add some depth to your home is by throwing a bunch of rugs down across your entire apartment. However, when looking to add character and personality to your home, it’s helpful to be a little more “funky” shall we say.

The most unique rugs are those with geometric design and/or with bright colors. If you are looking for rugs that will match your personality more, walk to your closet and take a mental note of the recurring colors. It would be best to go for rugs, curtains, and drapes with similar colors and designs. This is the surest way to make your home look and feel more like you.


Add Antiques and Artwork

Artistic pieces can help bring back good memories and experiences, mainly if you collected them from someone you love. Having pieces like picture-frames, paintings and even guitars spread throughout your home can truly elevate its look and feel. They can help evoke happy  and excited feelings whenever you look at them. More than anything, these memorable pieces can help elevate your mood more than your home’s appearance. Who wouldn't want to return home after a long day of work with a smile on their face after looking at a picture with a funny memory? 


Add Some Greenery

In today's era, you will find some sort of a place in almost every house. Plants are the new norm, having earned their places in restaurants and even offices. It has been studied that plants play a huge psychological role in making people feel calm and relaxed and, most notably, less anxious. The presence of a green plant in the house promotes a calmer environment, which surely helps give your home a certain personality. If the owner himself/herself is someone with a calm and relaxed personna, then adding a plant could definitely bring that personality through.  

Indoor plants are pretty affordable, and there’s something for everyone. Form cactuses to flowers, and everything in between. 


Thrift for Unique Pieces

This is for our thrift-lovers. Ever been to goodwill? If so, then we know that it was probably hard for you to leave the store because of the amount of items sold there. Each item has its own unique story and isn’t like anything else. If you wish to spice up your apartment in the most authentic way, then this is the place. Pick out the most unique piece, whether a lamp or a chair, and place it in the most prominent area in the house. It can be the entrance or your master bedroom, anywhere with good visibility. 

When shopping for furniture and accessories, take the time to go through all items in the thrift stores. You’re likely to find unique sofas, mirrors, and chandeliers that will instantly add personality to the different rooms in your house.



There is nothing sweeter than a home with a bright personality. You get to feel the authenticity and the true character of the person living there. If you are one of those owners who wish to achieve that effect in your home, then we suggest you follow the tips we have covered. One day, your apartment will reflect exactly who you are, without you even trying. It is just a matter of time!