How Often Should You Renovate Your House?

Owning a house is not the end all be all. In fact, It is the start of a lifelong commitment to a property that will serve you for many years to come. In order to ensure that this beloved and comfortable space of yours is able to sustain the external weather conditions and other changes throughout the years, renovating your house from time to time becomes a crucial exercise. Why? Well, renovation of a home can increase its life or longevity dramatically, especially when you start seeing specific warning signs around your house. 

In this article, we will discuss how often you should renovate your house and offer you some tips regarding the best methods to get it done.


What Is The Purpose Of A Renovation?

Let's start by understanding the definition of the word itself. Renovation can go two ways, first is the up-gradation of an existing structure. And second, is the repair of a current structure that’s malfunctioning. The first option is most likely under the preference of a fancy who's interested in upgrading their lifestyle. The second option is really for any homeowner who wants to ensure that the impact of time doesn't make the broken structure fragile and dangerous to reside in. Neglected old structures can be fatal to live in, which is why it is always best to take care of them before they can cost you more than the repair itself. Timely renovation and repair are crucial in that case. 


When Should One Renovate Their Home?

To answer this question, one must evaluate the current condition of their home. If the home is in proper shape, it is recommended to be renovated once every 15 to 20 years. However, renovation of the house can go beyond the basic necessity. The owner might feel the need to change the house's decor according to current trends. Also, we can't forget the factor of comfort, which at times does bypass style! The possibilities are endless. At the end of the day, it will really depend on the owner’s budget and how far he can go with his available funds. 


What Is The Present Condition Of Your Home?

This is a very crucial question and you must answer it if you wish to know your options for a renovation. If your house is in “poor” condition, meaning you are needing to repair multiple structures throughout the house twice a week, then a renovation is in great demand. Some other indicators that your house is in “poor” condition are: detachments of tiles, leaking roofs, an infestation of termite or chipped paint.  The leaking of the roof is like the house’s personal invitation for a renovation. The lack of waterproofing leads to the walls on the roof, allowing the percolation of water. This is quite dangerous, and one must address it immediately.  

On the other side of the road, if you rarely ever come across broken or impaired structures then this means your house is in “good” condition. Renovation for this case would simply indicate the the owner would like to upgrade the current style of the home and turn it more trendy. If you are not the type of owner to follow trends and your house is in good condition, then we don’t see the reason to spend money for a house renovation. 


Where Do You Start The Renovation From?

Where to begin your house renovation can be a very tough question, especially if you have that favorite room in the house. As we always say, the rule of thumb is to go for the area that needs the most attention. This means an area that faces the most problems and is in need of immediate care.  For instance, the house's paint can wait for a couple of weeks, but the leaking roof needs more prompt action. Although aesthetics play a significant part of the renovation process, the life-threatening areas must be tended to first. 



Who better than us know the complexity of a renovation project. Renovation of a property is not straightforward. Many factors must be addressed in order to ensure that the owner doesn't face financial difficulties at the end of the process. Hence, planning and researching your place of comfort, whether it has a fancy kitchen or a broken tile. Both will do :)